Grace had yards of this fabric and thought it was ugly.
She gave each member of the Not Your Grandmother's Bee
a fat quarter and challenged us to make something.
Here are her rules.
"Use at least an identifiable piece of this fabric in your challenge piece!
Completed pieces are due at our April bee, and
there's a slight chance that prizes might be awarded"
Nelda Johnson, the Super Creative award
Grace Johnson, the Outside the Box award
Tonya Littmann, the Best Use of Fabric award
Linda Creagh, the Most Clever award
Tonya Littmann, the Make Me Smile award
Tammy Becker, The Precise Piecing award
Debbie Coates, the Wow award
Marie Mitchell, the Very Impressive Piece award
Charlotte Rutland, the Super Cute award

Teresa Shirling, the Most Fun award
Kathleen Francis, the What Were You Thinking award.
Donna Mullen Irving couldn't come to the meeting so she sent me a photo.
Nice job everyone. Thank you Grace for making it happen!